Wednesday 7 April 2010

Halloumi Cheese Made of 100% Sheep's Milk

Finally I have found a Halloumi cheese that has no dairy and is only made of 100% sheep's milk. It is Marks and Spencer's award winning Halloumi, it's gorgeous and you can enjoy it without consuming all those cows growth hormones, perfect if you have allergies or sinus problems as sheep's cheese does not aggravate them.

My favourite quick meal is to put some frozen spinach pieces and some frozen prawns in an ovenproof dish, place in the grill for 20 minutes top with slices or chunks of halumi and return to the grill for a few minutes until its all melted and a little brown on the top.
It is also fab as a starter- put some large tomato slices in the grill topped with sliced halumi cook for about 10 minutes until the halumi is pale brown on top, serve drizzled with balsamic vinegar or a little olive oil and a sprig of parsley (you can also use cooking apples or peach slices in place of the tomatoes)
You can cube halumi and skewer it onto kebabs and if you add it to scrambled eggs or omelettes its delicious just make sure it melts completely into the eggs.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marissa,

I'm a bit confused. It's ok to eat sheep/goat milk but not cow? I thought that dairy meant everything from a cow, sheep and goat...In your book you never mentioned this...


Anonymous said...

Hi Marissa,

I'm a bit confused. So it's ok to eat sheep and goats cheese but not anything made from cow? I didn't read this in your book and thought that all cheese was bad for you.

Kind regards,

Marisa Peer said...

Hi Alyssa
It does say in my book you can eat sheeps and goats cheese but not excessively.
The hormones in cows milk are designed to make you grow like a cow and the hormones in sheeps and goats milk are designed to make you grow like a goat/sheep which is obviously a much smaller growth spurt. Calves have a 300% growth spurt in six weeks. Also cows products are loaded with bovine growth hormones whereas goats and sheeps products are not. Cows dairy is in so many foods like ham, sauces, pastries, bread, biscuits, crackers etc and sheep/goat is not so we are much less likely to become intolerant to these foods
hope that helps
marisa xx

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am prepared to give up dairy but just want to check which alternatives are appropriate. I have tried using soya and rice milk in tea and it just doesn't go. Is there a milk that likes hot water? Also, are vegan cheeses appropriate? THanks Anita

Marisa Peer said...

Hi Anita
vegan cheeses are fine
I know what you mean about rice milk curdling in tea, if you put a little cold water on your tea before you add the milk it stops it. The milk doesnt actualy curdle it seperates and you can just stir it back in but it does look horrible. Try goats milk or oat milk instead or as a last resort even lactose free regular milk
let me know the results
marisa x

Anonymous said...

Dear Marissa
I have read your book and am enjoying listening to the CD. I have already cut out grains, potato and dairy much much more easily than ever before. I'm just not thinking about it, so thank you - I am eating so much less without any effort. However the weight is not coming off because I am still drinking wine in the evening - I know that this is the culprit. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can demonise wine in the same way I have put myself off the other food groups? It would be really helpful if you had any advice or thoughts on this. I do not drink excessively but I do drink regularly to relax in the evening. Any thoughts gratefully received. Thank you.
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

hi Marissa - did you respond to the last request -- how to demonise wine? this is the real culprit in my life! thanks, cbteco

Marisa Peer said...

If you want to demonise wine remind yourself that it is really high in sugar and when you eat sugar your insulin levels soar the role of insulin is fat storage so every glass of wine is making your body store fat rather than burn it. You cannot shed weight once you have consumed a carb unless you burn it off with exercise which you wont be doing once you are drinking. Try to have just one glass of wine with a pure protein dinner like chicken or fish with green vegetables. Drink relaxing herb teas like valerian. You can also download my CDs 'Stopping Drinking' or 'Selective Moderate Drinking' at they are incredibley effective
I hope that helps you
very best Marisa